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Cobi van Tonder
Academic Writing
Acoustic Atlas
List of Compositions
List of Mixed Media
Info & Bio
The Persistence of Sound
Echoes of our Ancestors
Impulse Responses and Auralization
New archaeological locations added to Acoustic Atlas!
Binaural Recordings with Claudia Graziadei's Singing Workshops at Ocean Space, San Lorenzo, Venice
TETRARCHs, Artist Residency in Al Ain, UAE
Echoes & Reflections
Venice a Thousand Echoes - Chiesa di Santo Stefano
Acoustic Atlas
Geiger September Fest - Atlante
Snow now on Bandcamp
Microtonal now on Bandcamp
Yorkshire Post Interview
Acoustic Atlas
Field Recordings and Impulse Response Recordings in the Yorkshire Dales
Cerbero, Fiera Crudele e Diversa
Mutation II released on Alternate African Reality
Acoustic Atlas, University of York collaboration
Skatesonic - ISEA/IDEO/Villa Montalvo
Acoustic Atlas - recording Spro Cave, Nesodden
Music for Trees - Kunsthalle Wilhelmshaven
Acoustic Atlas Premieres @ WAC2019 Trondheim
Music for Trees - Berlin
Ionion Mirror
Goodbye Anthill
Recombinant Soundcube
Microtonal Music
Audio Tunnel
Towards a Fractal Music
Lullaby for InfrasoundBed
Music for Trees
Life Project - 2014-...
People who disappear
Ephemeral Gumboots
Ephemeral Gumboots
Music for Redwood Trees
MFA exhibition Stanford
Skatesonic Palo Alto
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