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Audio Tunnel

Ringing through connected disconnected spaces which is a new continuity..

Rooms, each with microphone and loudspeaker, are daisy-chained in a directional live audio tunnel: each individual space, is a node and is able to receive audio from another node through the internet and play it into the space through a loudspeaker, record the reverberations and other ambient sounds of the environment and send it back over the internet to the next similar device with super subtle latency...

Conceptually, this work challenges ideas of territory, control, transmission, tranception and how we listen to the world. The tunnel is live and interactive: the participant becomes the transmitter and is transmitted/ displaced (in sound) in many actual places in fractions of milliseconds. A recursive eavesdropping becomes possible in this unseen territory. Live sound travels from location to location, reverberating in each space. A kind of anonymity reverberates through the piece. It is a borderless territory designed for listening. Acoustically the reverberations and other characteristics of each space add up, thus creating a new recombinant space that is the distorted and warped sum of its parts. The directional audio tunnel - loudspeaker to microphone to network device to loudspeaker to microphone to network device and so on … traveling around the world through sound.

Rooms, each with microphone and loudspeaker, are daisy-chained in a directional live audio tunnel - each individual space, is a node and is able to receive audio from another node through the internet and play it into the space through a loudspeaker, record the reverberations and other ambient sounds of the environment and send it back over the internet to the next similar device with no noticeble latency...

It was developed as part of the Wunderflater MFA show.

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